Category: Response Posts

Response Post #1 for Dylan

Hey Dylan!

Super cool comparison to “background checking” your digital identity, it essentially is a trail of you over the years. I like how you also brought up commenting, it is something I always forget about that those comments on instagram posts are also tied to you, not just the pictures you post.

I like how you don’t hold back online and that you are aware of privacy matters and are comfortable being public. Same goes fro your take on professional accounts. Showcasing your personality to potential employers or other professionals I believe makes you more personable and maybe even more enticing to reach out to. Not hiding the goofy side of you I think is awesome and can complement your professional achievements.

You hit it on the mark with coming off as more human as this blog post was easy to get through with no confusing and super professional language, but I feel that it represent’s how you also present yourself on other social media platforms. It is very personable and admirable.

Great work Dylan, looking forward to the next one!

Response Post #1 for Rose

Hey Rose!

I love the way your post flows and is structured. I think your stance on digital identity is very realistic, being able to have fun with social media while maintaining a proper online presence.

I’m sorry you had to deal with the bots and fake accounts, but I am happy that you took control and made sure it wouldn’t happen again by turning on your privacy. The freedom of privacy is truly a gift, you can showcase your true self to those you want to instead of the whole world which is comforting. I fully agree with showcasing your personality on your professional accounts because in doing so it can help increase your opportunity’s of connecting with people of similar interest’s and professions and may open doors for you down the road. I am guilty of never updating my professional social media accounts so we can share the goal in trying to be more active on them by graduation!

Fantastic post, looking forward to your next one!

Response Post #1 for Jaswant

Hey Jaswant,

Great post! I really like your definition of digital identity and how it is a representation of us online, I think it is very fitting. I completely agree with you and that privacy is of the utmost importance and we both take similar steps to ensure ours is safe. The way you described how different you portray your professional and personal digital identity is similar to myself, using your personal social media to keep friends and family updated and professional social media as a way to connect with other professionals. With the posting regularly on a professional account, I completely agree but rarely practice this. Your thoughts with keeping up a professional image and captivating an audience to keep you on their radar is genius. I think the more a potential employer or mentor sees of one’s professional social media, it increases their prospects for opportunities. Awesome work, excited to see your next post!

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