Feature Image by Tiplada M from Unsplash

Diverse PLN Benefits

By Nastya Dulhiier from Unsplash

Having a diverse PLN is critical for professional and personal growth. Being able to have a diverse set of perspectives can be beneficial in all aspects of professional life. As we become more globalized and connected through social media and the internet, it only makes sense that we become more inclusive as well. Utilizing the incredible global network at our finger tips, we can get in touch with people on the other side of the world with the simple push of a button. If are able to access global networks, we should also be able to appreciate new perspectives, ideas, and knowledge other people bring. Greater global diversity has lead to a more cosmopolitan attitude in younger generations. As we become more inclusive, we become more collaborative as well allowing for advancement, personally and professionally. 

From Sebastien LE DEROUT on Unsplash

Personally I have taken part in global book exchanges in the past. It started on Instagram where one of my friends said if anyone wanted to join a global book exchange should direct message them- so I did. I have linked here how it works as the author of this article explains it a lot more elegantly than I could. I did not receive 36 books, however it was a really cool experience to read something that someone you have never meet or even know their name has sent you. It opened up my perspective and helped me get back into reading! I haven’t participated in one for a few years but they are really cool if you ever get the chance.

Creating an Inclusive PLN

From NASA on Unsplash

I think inclusion is very important in a PLN as it allows for diversity, however, my view is not to be inclusive by trying but just let it come naturally. Basing who you interact upon superficial characteristics is just detrimental to your growth, people are different and have unique things to offer that we should harness to leverage our PLN’s and make them more dynamic. Not everyone has this view and understanding global barriers, such as technology access and language barriers, is crucial to see how we can improve inclusivity and add to our PLN. Proactively diversifying my PLN may get my algorithm going to suggest other professionals or creators that are from different countries or communities so that I can continue expanding my network. A network should be dynamic, ever growing, and if we can address these barriers, I don’t see how inclusion becomes an issue anymore. In the article “One without the other”, Moore talks about moving from a mindset of tolerance to one of acceptance, which I agree with. Acceptance of ideas, culture, language, perspective, it all compounds to diversify us and promotes growth.

Social Media Dynamics

From Mariia Shalabaieva on Unsplash

Different social media platforms have distinct features that shape how I engage with my PLN. Twitter allows a succinct and focused message to be shared, often allowing quick updates or participating in real-time conversations. This immediacy and wide reach allows users to connect with those of other cultures in no time using hashtags or comments. Whereas, LinkedIn’s professional atmosphere encourages more detailed and formal interactions, allowing me to find industry-specific topics and professionals to build deeper connections. LinkedIn seems like ‘the long game’ if you will, connecting with others and sharing professional journeys and experiences help’s you stay in touch and innovative. Instagram’s visual-centric approach allows me to share creative and informal content, which can highlight more personal or casual aspects of my journey. Each platform contains unique culture influences, not just the content but also with the users. The depth of interaction differs by platform and each has it’s own purpose for engagement to grow and integration of all of them allows for a robust PLN.

Challenges of Inclusivity in Digital Spaces

Creating an inclusive PLN in digital spaces presents several challenges, particularly around ensuring diverse voices are heard and valued. A difficulty I have noticed when starting to create my PLN in social media is the tendency for one group of like minded-individuals to dominate the conversation or comments. This in turn marginalizes other perspectives that are knowledgeable and additive. Unfortunately, this makes the conversation become exclusive to those like-minded individuals and creates a homogenous environment. Without inclusion, this environment fails to be a true representation of the full spectrum of ideas, experiences, and cultures others have to offer. Efforts to overcome this can be to engage more with those marginalized in the comments and inquire as to what their background or field brings to the topic. Understanding that people can become excluded because they have a different perspective is the first step in supporting diverse individuals. Continuously supporting a globalized conversation can break up the dominating opinions and allow for those diverse perspectives to come through and be heard (or read).

From Clay Banks on Unsplash

Actively promoting a diverse and inclusive PLN is what everyone should work towards, not only because it is fair to be kind and open to hearing others perspectives, but diversity is personally beneficial. Having other worldly views makes you more approachable and knowledgeable which could in turn result in opportunities that others don’t check the box for.